The following versions of EwE are available for download (see the EwE change log):

EwE 6.7 beta build 18865 provides a pile of new features and bug fixes, such as:

  • The Pro and Regular editions are provided through one and the same installer
  • The spatial temporal framework can drive currents
  • Spatial temporal data can now be brought forward without having to copy maps, repeating the first year
  • Spatial temporal data can also be extended without having to copy maps, repeating the last year
  • Added new Ecosim group and fleet plots
  • Added new time series types to dynamically alter Ecopath fishing costs proportions, prices
  • Added non-additive mortalities
  • Added the ability to link the recruitment of two multi-stanza groups
  • One can now define the spawning proporion of multi-stanza groups
  • Moved catchabilties to a new time series type
  • Standardized the display of time series
  • The Ecospace IBM works with currents and EcoTracer
  • Expanded how Ecospace works with regional averages
  • Stepwise Fitting is now multi-threaded and runs way faster if you have the processors to do so
  • Added Monte Carlo diet samping using normal distributions
  • Added a Windows integration plug-in to stop Windows from restarting or sleeping when running simulations
  • Pedigree definitions can be imported from other models
  • Added other mortality forcing and functional responses, allowing for lethal effects
  • Other mortality functional responses can be driven by contaminant concentrations
  • Added support for user-defined shape functions
  • Network Analysis no longer runs “by accident”
  • Made AutoSave and AutoRun system more consistent
  • EcoInd map saving made more robust
  • Run Ecosim by default hides effort/F sketch panel, but this can be revealed with an option on the form
  • Run Ecospace opens the graph view by default to speed up runs. Drawing maps takes time
  • ASCII maps can be dropped right onto the Ecospace Maps legend list for quick uploading of map data
  • Users can transfer, export and import Ecospace layer styles
  • Centralized the use of colur gradients, and added colourblind colour gradients too
  • MSP Tools is integrated in EwE 6
  • MSP Tools has been expanded to incorporate new fisheries dynamics
  • and much more…

Happy 40th birthday, EwE!

Note that EwE is no longer guaranteed to be compatible with Windows 7, sniff. EwE has been tested on Windows 8 and newer.

This version of Windows relies on .NET framework 4.8 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

EwE 6.6.8, build 18071, provides a number of patches to earlier releases:

  • Fixed issue that stopped EcoSampler from functioning with perturbed diets
  • Discontinued embedded start page because Internet Explorer has been discontinued
  • Fixed WoRMS search engine to work with the new web services protocol
  • Fixed “Search groups with time series” bugs
  • Fixed EcoTracer forcing function selection bug
  • Users can (and should) now reset catchabilities
  • Updated to .NET Framework 4.8

Note that EwE is no longer compatible with Windows XP. EwE may work on Windows Vista, and has been tested on Windows 7 and newer. As far as we know, EwE works fine on Windows 11.

This version of Windows relies on .NET framework 4.8 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

EwE 6.6.7, build 17812, provides a number of patches to earlier releases:

  • Fixed database issue that stopped EcoSampler from recording samples in newly created models
  • Fixed ability to load Monte Carlo diets CVs from Pedigree
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the show/hide items logic
  • Fixed a map update issue in EcoIND

Note that EwE is no longer compatible with Windows XP. EwE may work on Windows Vista, and has been tested on Windows 7 and newer. We do not have a Windows 11 development machine yet, but we expect EwE to work just fine there

This version of Windows relies on .NET Framework 4.7 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

EwE 6.6.6, build 17608, provides a number of patches to earlier releases, and adds minor functionality:

  • Fixed a number of stability bugs throughout the EwE user interface
  • Fixed a number of default values that mostly affect Ecospace
  • Fixed a number of bugs that prevented deletion of Ecosim and Ecospace scenarios under specific conditions
  • Fixed FiB calculations in some models
  • Fixed PreBal consideration of visible or hidden groups
  • Fixed a bug where set Catch pedigree values could only be set in balanced models
  • Revised and fixed MPA Optimizations algorithm and user interface
  • Revised and fixed Fishing Policy Search algorithm and user interface
  • Fixed pelagic and demersal indicator calculations in EcoIND
  • EcoIND now runs with Monte Carlo simulations
  • ENA now only runs for balanced models
  • Price elasticity incorporated when predicting Ecosim effort
  • Updated to .NET framework 4.7
  • Simplified font settings
  • Added EcoEngineer plug-in
  • Adding ability to customize color ramps

Note that EwE is no longer compatible with Windows XP. EwE may work on Windows Vista, and has been tested on Windows 7 and newer. We do not have a Windows 11 development machine yet, but we expect EwE to work just fine there

This version of Windows relies on .NET Framework 4.7 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

EwE 6.6.5, build 17207, provides a small number of patches to earlier releases, and adds minor functionality:

  • Added import and export of traits
  • Ecobase import made robust to absence of correct Access drivers
  • Made sketch pads robust to absent data
  • Fixed minor Ecospace bug
  • Fixed bug where Ecosampler might not restore a sample correctly
  • Fixed bug when Ecosim time series expected two pool fields
  • Fixed repeated prompts while configuring Ecosim functional responses
  • Fixed minor bug when launching empty internet page caused EwE to crash
  • Fixed bug where main UI showed that a time series was loaded while in fact it wasn’t anymore

Note that EwE is no longer compatible with Windows XP. EwE may work on Windows Vista, and has been tested on Windows 7 and newer.

This version of Windows relies on .NET framework 4.5 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

This release contains bug fixes to EwE 6.6.1. Yes, release 6.6.2 is skipped here. Most notable features:

  • Ecopath model from Ecosim now reports proper diets
  • EwE Pro license logic has been internally standardized

Note that EwE is no longer compatible with Windows XP. EwE may work on Windows Vista, and has been tested on Windows 7 and newer.

This version of Windows relies on .NET Framework 4.5 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

This release mostly contains bug fixes and usability updates to EwE 6.6. Most notable features:

  • Ecospace scenarios can now be created and deleted under all circumstances
  • Drawing errors such as in the MTI plot have been fixed
  • Ecopath models from Ecosim are now generated over an entire Ecosim year in accordance with the basic Ecopath assumptions

Note that EwE is no longer compatible with Windows XP. EwE may work on Windows Vista, and has been tested on Windows 7 and newer.

This version of Windows relies on .NET framework 4.5 or newer, and requires Microsoft Access drivers to read and write model files. Note that the 32-bit version of EwE only runs with 32-bit Access and/or Office drivers; the 64-bit version of EwE requires 64-bit Access and/or Office drivers.

@SysAdmins: to install EwE silently, run the installer package with parameters /SILENT /VERYSILENT

EwE 6.6 was released alongside the EwE35 Years Conference. EwE 6.6 has gained a range of new features, such as:


  • Auto-save and Auto-run control panels


  • Non-spawning stanza
  • Fleets are included in the flow diagram
  • Ecosampler
  • Merge and split groups
  • Export to NetworkD3 (in R)
  • Export to .eiixml
  • Pedigree import from other models
  • Better control over Network Analysis execution


  • Fit to landings and discards
  • Discard mortality rate and discard rate forcing
  • CEFAS Management Strategy Evaluation
  • Other mortality forcing
  • A new file format for saving Monte Carlo output


  • Ecotracer and Advection models have been overhauled
  • Layer import and export
  • Layer data drag and drop
  • Spatial temporal data framework has been connected to all active Ecospace input layers
  • Transect extraction
  • MPA dynamics

This release includes bug fixes. For a detailed list please see the EwE 6.6 release notes.

Beta testing and the release of EwE version 6.5 was made possible through funding from the following Ecopath Research and Development Consortium partners and aspiring members:

  • Agrocampus Ouest (France)
  • Institute of Marine Sciences (Spain)
  • Global Ocean Modeling Unit, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, UBC (Canada)
  • Marine Research (MA-RE) Institute of the University of Cape Town (South Africa)
  • The Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center, George Mason University (USA)
  • The University of Central Florida (USA)

EwE 6.5 has gained a range of new features, such as:


  • Integration with EcoBase model repository
  • Pre-bal diagnostics
  • Ecological indicators (also available to Ecosim, Ecospace, and Monte Carlo)
  • Taxonomy search support for World Register of Marine Species
  • Valls et al keystone indicator


  • Support for monthly time series, relative catch time series
  • Shannon diversity index
  • Monte Carlo diet, catch, and landings perturbation
  • Sharing of functional responses with Ecospace, ability to use any number of environmental drivers


  • Exclusion layer to exclude cells from computations
  • Overlapping MPAs
  • Improved auto-saving, including saving of map images
  • Per-group capacity model settings (habitat, env responses, or both)

This release includes bug fixes. For a detailed list please see the EwE 6.5 release notes.

Beta testing and the release of EwE version 6.5 was made possible through funding from the following Ecopath Research and Development Consortium partners and aspiring members:

  • Global Ocean Modeling Unit, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, UBC (Canada)
  • Institute for Research and Development (France)
  • Kinneret Limnological Laboratory, Migdal (Israel)
  • The Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center, George Mason University (USA)
  • The Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK)
  • Theoretical Ecology and Modelling. Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (Germany)
  • University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Additional downloads

This is the last version of Ecopath 5, prior to the overhaul to .NET and the subsequent releases of EwE 6. Ecopath 5 contains a few features that were not migrated to EwE 6 for various reasons; you might want to use this version if you need access to legacy features such as EcoRanger and the auto mass-balance routine. It is recommended to install Ecopath 5 on Windows XP. You might need to install a virtual PC environment.

This version will complain that it is outdated on launch. Just enter ‘Polovina’ in the panic box and Ecopath 5 will start.

Please note that we are no longer making changes to the Ecopath 5 source code; Ecopath version 5 is no longer being maintained.

Installation notes

EwE 6.6 requires Windows 7 or newer, .NET Framework 4.5, Microsoft Access 2007 or newer, or Access database components 2016 or newer. Due to technology creep on Microsoft’s behalf, we can no longer ensure that EwE software runs well on Windows Vista or older.

EwE 6.5 and older require Windows XP SP 3 or newer, .NET Full Framework 4.0 (not .NET Client Framework), Microsoft Access 2007 or 2010, or Access database components 2007 or 2010.

Should I install EwE 32-bit or EwE 64-bit?

EwE 6.6 still relies on Microsoft Access drivers. In order for this to work, EwE needs to be of the same ‘bitness’ as your local office installation: if you run 32-bit Office /Access, EwE MUST be 32-bit too. If you run 64-bit Office/Access, EwE MUST be 64-bit too. Most organizations run Office in 32-bit. You can find plenty of resources (such as this one) on the web that help you identify the bitness version of your Office installation.

In general, Ecospace scenarios run with more ease in 64-bit.

Note for users of Windows 8 or newer

If you receive a Windows Smart Screen notification while trying to install or execute EwE such as

Windows protected your PC
Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting, Running this app might put your PC at risk.

then simply click the “More info” link under the warning, and click “Run Anyway”. Anti-virus solutions such as Microsoft SmartScreen and Avast will start trusting software the more it gets installed.

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