
08 November 2021: We’re moving to a new and more reliable hosting service. Ecobase access has been temporarily affected, and you will not be able to download from, or submit models to, the ecobase EwE model repository for the time being. We’re on it.

Latest release

December 2020: EwE 6.6.5 has been released. This version of the software contains a number of bug fixes and usability fixed for the latest release, EwE 6.6.3

Public seminars

Get involved!

EwE is a free and open-source scientific software for and by scientists. EwE will only grow and continue if users like you get involved in designing the future of the approach. Consider taking out a support contract, co-develop new features in collaboration with the EwE core team. or purchase a professional license to support the approach.

EwE – Ecobase integration

Ecobase logo

EcoBase, the open-access database for all the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) models published worldwide, is now accessible on-line for all users. As per mid October 2016, 443 Ecopath models are referenced and described in EcoBase, among which 176 models are fully and freely available for download.

EcoBase is a non-commercial initiative, created by a group of scientists involved in ecosystem modeling, and now supported by the Ecopath Research and Development Consortium. It has the ambition of making all EwE models published to date discoverable, accessible, and reusable to the scientific community. We believe that such a collaborative approach will contribute to develop researches in the field of trophic modelling or ecosystem approaches, and will enhance interactions and collaborations within the scientific community.

-> if you are interested in EcoBase, discover the database on and download all models you want using the File / Import model menu of EwE 6.5  (you just have to endorse the data access agreement, and thus to cite the authors of the models you use in all your publications).

-> if you have published one or several Ecopath models, please upload your models in EcoBase using the export facilities in File / Export model menu available in EwE 6.5 and enjoy to be part of these new collaborative scientific dynamics.

Best regards
Didier Gascuel and Jerome Guitton,
on behalf of the EcoBase working group,
of the Ecopath Research and Development Consortium